Rach and Paul (and other family antics!)

Forgot to say in my last post that whilst on our weekend away O received news of my parents going AWOL on their return trip from Equador! To receive the news that your parents have become stranded somewhere in Latin America and nobody has managed any contact in recent hours wasnt hugely comforting; but they eventually landed home safely a few hours aftyer my return home from Staffordshire! Also forgot to mention that we accidentally left half our cake for the weekend on the coach on the Friday night; so that was waiting for us when it came to pick us up again on the Sunday…oops!

Today was a day full of excitement; as I got to see in person my sister and brother in law for the first time in nearly 2 years! It was a little bit mad thinking about it on the way into central London to meet with them; but it was really nice to actualy physically give them a hug and catch up on all news. Sadly time flew by rather quickly;  but I will get a chance to see them again at some point around Christmas before they head back to Peru in the new year.

It got me to thinking about the whole family business, and what it actually is, and it was really interesting to reminice (no idea how to spll that; sorry!) with Rach about some of our childhood expriences. What was really funny though was how differently we remembered things due to out fairly big age gap (9 years) What I can only just remember from when I was very little was a very real experience for her as a teenager growing up, and had many more and much bigger implications for her. And I dont think Ive ever really thought about that before. But it made me realise just how blessed I have been with a family that have done all they can to protect me from some of the harsh realities of this world. But also a very biazarre thought in that, I know no matter how old I get, I will always be the baby of the Smith clan. But looking at where all our lives are heading right now, I have a feeling that family for us in 30 years time is going to look very different from how it has been. But again, only time will tell.

So now Im about to head off to bed, as I have a early morning ahead of me as I am in college at Cambridge for the next 2 days. So I shall bid you all a fond farewell :o)

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