Part 2 of my knee being healed….

Sorry this is in pieces….I’m not sure why but every time I a post, it only publishes half of it and loses the rest 🙁  so what I was wanting to say was…

this past week has been utterly amazing and I’m so excited!! And its so good to be able to share this with people here who have been so faithfully supporting, loving and encouraging me, as well as praying for me, its like a massive moment for everybody.

And here are a couple of reflections that I have had since.

I have learnt never to question the ways of God. Many people prayed for my knee to be healed before I left for Australia, but if God had healed me when we first prayed, I wouldn’t have learnt all that I have through this injury. A big part of my healing came after I handed over to God some of my emotional hurts, which I only became aware of because of my knee injury. If God had answered my prayer (where I thought I knew what was best for me!) I wouldn’t have received the emotional healing that came as part of the package very very early Saturday morning! So, although God didn’t give me what I wanted, He actually gave me something far far better, because He knows better, and actually, He has been glorified far more because of it. Everybody here is super excited, and it has really encouraged peoples faith, so its not only me who has benefited!! Its so amazing watching people here who have been faithfully praying/supporting/encouraging me for weeks literally jumping with joy because I can walk without crutches!!  Praise God!!


So if I could leave you with some words of wisdom/encouragement:

1) God does hear and answer our prayers

2) Sometimes they don’t get answered in the way we expect, or would like, but that is because GOD KNOWS BEST and also wants the very best for you. Sometimes even we can’t see what that very best is, and that is when we have to trust God and His faithfulness.

3) In all things God will be glorified! And He is oh so worthy of all our praise.

AMEN! So here’s to all of us experiencing Gods goodness this week!

Lots of love and blessings xxx

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