
So I met my fieldwork tutor  (which is now meant to be called PPT for Proffessional Practice Tutor?!) today. I dont think Ive mentioned this; but as part of my course, I have been allocated Jenny Baker as my tutor to help me develop into a proper and professional youth worker. For those of you who dont know, it is THE Jenny Baker; a well known youth worker in the Christian circles; has written many books, does seminars at all the major conferences and is a reugular contributer for the youth work magazine. She is also the co-founder of the Sophia Network, which aims to support wwomen in christian youth leadership. She is quite well known highly respected, so watching peoples responses has been quite interesting when I have told them that she is my tutor!

Which is great in that I know I am in safe hands and she knows what she is on about; but it is also quite nerve racking! There is no chance that I will be allowed to mess evreything up anyway! Happily, my first meeting went well, and she seemed to like the first essay that I wrote, so hopefully we shall continue down that path! Oddly, she lives in Ealing, which means I will be going back to that happy place on a fairly regular basis. It was a little odd going back, but it was a different end from where I was based last year, so I still managed to get lost trying to find her house!

The rest of the day was spent team bonding; as our final member of the staff team Rebecca has arrived in Harrow and has now officially started work! This completes our team, which is really nice, as it feels really balanced now. We have 3 guys, 3 girls, 1 male and 1 female intern, 1 male and 1 female CYM student, and 1 male and female full time worker. It just seems to work; and we all get on really well.  Its like 1 slightly odd and dysfunctional but happy family :o)

So we spent the day eating lunch at Noodle City, and then having a hot chocolate in Starbucks! In the evening Alex had a gig at a local bar, which we all went on a staff trip too, which was very (loud!) but also lots of fun. My friend Ben was also playing, and he was amazing, so all in all, a very successful gig! And that was my day! Got home very late, and had to start work far too early the next day with my first official line managers meeting with my intern!

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