How I’ve got to where I’m going….

Just over a year ago I applied for a job as a girls youth worker in Greenwich South East London.  I wasn’t really expecting to get it; I just thought that the whole process of applying, and going for interview, would be good experience for me. And then they offered me the job! It was quite the surprise. But to cut a long story short, I was confused, and didn’t really know what to do. On one hand, I thought I should take the job. After all, I would be stupid to turn down a job offer when so many people at the time were desperate to get ANY job, let alone one that they were trained/qualified in and actually wanted! But on the other – it just didn’t feel right. So after some time thinking, praying, and discussing with other people, I decided to turn the job offer down. This wasn’t where God wanted me. He was leading me somewhere; I just didn’t know where yet!

And so I went through a time of searching my own heart, and really seeking God. I had trained to be a youth worker, but had decided that I wasn’t the person to do secular youth work. The only trouble was, I also didn’t feel ready to go and work for a church again. My options were somewhat limited! I decided that if I wasn’t yet ready to do what I had felt for so long God calling me to, then I should focus on the reasons why.  Very slowly God started to speak to me…and that is how I ended up doing my Discipleship Training School at YWAM Perth!

A year on and I have absolutely no doubt that turning that job down was one of the best decisions I have made in my adult lifetime. In 20 years’ time I think I will look back on that moment and highlight it as one of those pivotal decisions that changed the course of my life.  And in the same way, choosing to go to YWAM Perth was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. I am so thankful to God for His continued faithfulness and guidance in my life, without which, I haven’t got a clue where I would have ended up! I did nearly go to YWAM South Africa – but that’s a whole different story!

What I will say however, is that God led me exactly to where He wanted me, and that was in Perth. And now, 12 months on, I am preparing to go back to that city; the place where I firmly believe that God has called me to. So what will I be doing in Perth I hear you ask!

Well, to summarise, I am going to be a full time missionary with Youth With a Mission Perth (YWAM). I will be heading out there for 2 years, and then after that….who knows! But the next 2 years is what I want to concentrate on for now 🙂 It’s going to be an adventure, and one that I am incredibly excited about. But you will have to wait just a little bit longer to hear what I will be doing out there! Watch this space folks – it’s all just about to begin!

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